
My name is Dawie van Lill and I am a lecturer in the Economics Department at Stellenbosch University. My broad research interests are monetary policy, financial stability and development macroeconomics. While I do like the policy related aspects of macroeconomics, I spend most of my time exploring methodology.

I have found myself gravitating toward the usage of computational methods, with special focus on solution and estimation methods for Dynamic General Equilibrium models. I have recently started to focus on these methods in the context of Heterogeneous Agent models.

I am also interested in machine learning and Bayesian deep learning. I am currently working with several postgraduate students to see how these methods can be employed in economics.

I am proficient in the usage of several programming languages, such as python, Matlab, R and Julia. However, I have recently decided to adopt Julia as my primary programming language, with python featuring mostly as a result of the rich machine learning library while R often makes an appearance when I need to wrangle some data.